Avatar of LJ Zook

LJ Zook

Indy from Brisbane

G'day Guys My name is Indy I am from Brisbane, North Side at Samford [4520]

I am a Suzuki Nut I have loved Suzuki's for years..first learnt to drive in My Mum's old 1994 Softop Sierra when I was 17..[2008]

Took it to Glasshouse a few times..My first 4wd trip as a driver was to Mt Mee..

I currently own a 1992 Suzuki Sierra hard top which I have had for over 3 years..

I have done lots of work on it and all the mods done by me and Dad..and sometimes mates lend a hand..

I currently have 3 Suzuki LJ utes [LJ81's]

I am a real 4WD nut I don't spend my money on drinks or anything else...ONLY 4wd and Car stuff hahaha

Keen to get some mates to wheel with and help me out with my Projects


Hi Indy, nice to have you on board. Are you going for a wheel the next couple of weekends?

Hey Indy, Dan here mate... Good to see ya on here... We'll hafta catch up for another run one of these days!

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