Limited Edition Sticker "Yoda"

Extra Large Sticker

This is a Limited Edition item which cannot be purchased with your normal currency.
Because this is a collectors item this can only be bought with DownThunder Gears!

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Limited Edition Sticker "Yoda"

Extra Large Size Sticker

Earn this sticker you must, young Padawan!

The "Yoda" sticker is part of our limited edition and you need to be a Yuuugeee mate of the community to get your hands on this one. So go ahead. Your mission is to build up your DownThunder Gears by contributing great content for the community. If you do well this item be yours and only yours.

Let the force be with you, young padawan!

Width: 500mm
height: 200mm
Color: Gunmetal grey
Last update by 9. Jun 2017 - 13:21