Join the Community for real Offroad Enthusiasts

As a member of DownThunder you are in great company with like-minded mates. Give your 4WD a profile, learn more about your 4x4's capabilities and find the best aftermarket upgrades for your specific offroad vehicle.

Build your own 4WD profile page

Upload pictures of your rig, trips and campsites

Easily make friends with other offroaders

Help others with your reviews

Add your own 4WD club, park and campsite

Share your experience with others in our forum

4WD logbook for all your upgrades and services

Earn points which you can turn into real goods

Adonis Davey
This is like Tinder, but for Offroad cars!
Adonis D., Member and Jeep Wrangler TJ Driver

Connect with mates

Become a member to connect to like-minded mates and learn more about your 4WD and its capabilities. Find the best performance upgrades for your Offroad vehicle and compare your rig with others.

Share your experience and knowledge with the Australian Offroad Community. Be a great mate!

Share your knowledge

Become a member to connect to like-minded mates and learn more about your 4WD and its capabilities. Find the best performance upgrades for your Offroad vehicle and compare your rig with others.

Share your experience and knowledge with the Australian Offroad Community. Be a great mate!

Gain more experience

Become a member to connect to like-minded mates and learn more about your 4WD and its capabilities. Find the best performance upgrades for your Offroad vehicle and compare your rig with others.

Share your experience and knowledge with the Australian Offroad Community. Be a great mate!